
i don't understand

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okay someone answer this for me......

why is it that 99% of all people i see now adays that have hadicaped plates getting out at a store are like 500 pounds and have to ride those little scooters??? yes, i'll be more understanding when i get to be 500 pounds, but that's 320 pounds away........... i did see a dude scooting around walmart today with a walker.... he was keeping active atleast!!!!

"i have no reader's digest version"

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didn't you know?? obesity is a disease...at epidemic levels!!! :S

Lazieness is a disease - not obiesity - well the whole thyroidthing - but no - it's about caring about yourself - some do more than others -
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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sometimes a handicap can contribute to obesity, if you can't walk around to exercise and don't change your eating habits. Just by looking at someone, you can't tell what caused their obesity.

I figure that you never know for sure why they've got that handicapped permit, so I just give them the benefit of the doubt.

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Yes I can. Too much food in face. It really is that simple.

I have to agree, even with a low metabolism, thyroid problem, or whatever else it may be, a body is not going to get fat on its own. If you put things into it that are healthy this won't be a factor, I lucked out with genetics, I can live on candy bars and donuts and still lose weight if I want to, but that doesn't mean I do, I still make an effort to eat healthy.

I understand that some people don't have the physical ability to work out to stay in shape, but that's not stopping them from living healthy through a good diet.

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I have to agree, even with a low metabolism, thyroid problem, or whatever else it may be, a body is not going to get fat on its own.

Yep..........I have been "fat" all my adult life. No matter how much I have worked out I never cut back on the eating ENOUGH to get the wash board abs. I believe I do have QUITE a slow metabolism but that's my problem. Of course........I'm talking I have never been more than 15-20Lbs MAX overweight. I'm no 300Lb blob of chewed bubble gum. :D

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didn't you know?? obesity is a disease...at epidemic levels!!! :S

Lazieness is a disease - not obiesity - well the whole thyroidthing - but no - it's about caring about yourself - some do more than others -

the :S is a sarcasm :S not a wingnut-doesn't-get-it :S.

i'm inventing a new diet: the thermodynamics diet!!

it goes like this: expend more energy than you consume and you will get thinner!! in fact, if you continue with my diet too long, you'll die!!!

now that is what i call effective. :D
"Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch
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Dave ,
I dont know if you remember the post I made when I got back from Korea but It was similar to your question.

I dont understand why it's so bad except:

when we were kids we did stuff. not just playe dvideo games.
when we were kids computers were pretty worthless, by todays standards.

when we were kids our parents made us go shopping with them- now you can do it all online.

when we were kids there was a culture of unity.

some degree of the obesity is cause by genetics/handicapped/and immobility

most of it is b/c we live in a fast food society and no one stops long enough to take a walk in the park with a loved one anymore.

we've eliminated our normal exercise with running around at break neck speeds ,trying to get the next dollar.

when we were kids we live in reality now we just watch it on tv[:/][:/]

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When I was broken I would hate that I had to wait for those damn scooters >:(. Because I didn't have visible damage people thought I was playing around but they had no problem giving the scooter to the obese and leave me waiting :(>:(:(

I'm sympathetic but when I'm there first and I don't get the scooter just cause I'm on crutches and it "doesn't look like I have anything wrong with me"....grrrr I'm getting mad.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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same deal in rantoul last year.. after dislocating my knee cap and not being able to walk at all... getting helped into walmart by friends.. then asking for one of the many scootrery things to aid my shopping experience 'Jean' told me i couldn't have one.

Therefore i was forced to walk forward and collapse where more customers would see me, screaming in pain. Dman her, she still didn't let me have one! :D
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then asking for one of the many scootrery things to aid my shopping experience 'Jean' told me i couldn't have one.

she probly had heard about how you drove golf carts and didn't know how to get a deposit on the scooter...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Yeah.............didn't you see the posters all over the state with your picture and the caption "Don't let this British fool drive anything." :D I heard the FBI is going to put a driving restriction on any future visas. The first time in history that has ever been done. :D

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When I was broken I would hate that I had to wait for those damn scooters >:(. Because I didn't have visible damage people thought I was playing around but they had no problem giving the scooter to the obese and leave me waiting :(>:(:(

I'm sympathetic but when I'm there first and I don't get the scooter just cause I'm on crutches and it "doesn't look like I have anything wrong with me"....grrrr I'm getting mad.

That's so wrong. Paige, I'm shocked that they made you wait to use one and didn't let Zeemax use one.

When my ankle was broken, I shopped at Target specifically because of those scooters. (They're fun!) My only wait was if an employee had to find one for me because they were all visibly gone. There was always ONE that they would manage to hunt down and bring to me, even if they were in the parking lot or the back or whatever. I was always so grateful, and now I'm just stunned that you two had problems when you needed to use those scooters. It's difficult to shop in that condition, so that really sucks that you two had to go through that.

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When my ankle was broken, I shopped at Target specifically because of those scooters. (They're fun!)

Damn for the closest target being 20min. away :( I knew I should have gone to the red bulls eye more than Walmart :( I hate that Walmart is always close.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I have to agree, even with a low metabolism, thyroid problem, or whatever else it may be, a body is not going to get fat on its own.

Yep..........I have been "fat" all my adult life. No matter how much I have worked out I never cut back on the eating ENOUGH to get the wash board abs. I believe I do have QUITE a slow metabolism but that's my problem. Of course........I'm talking I have never been more than 15-20Lbs MAX overweight. I'm no 300Lb blob of chewed bubble gum. :D

The 'lady' who lives next door to me is about 5 feet tall. She's 300 pounds EASY, and lives on a disability. Yea, of course she had a heart attack. Even in as good shape as I am in, I couldn't carry around an extra 150 pounds all day every day..
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